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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The View: Trying on Shoes

the reason I called this post "trying on shoes" is because Joy made the comment that in this country the electoral college is the one who chooses the Presidents in this country.

But she is one of the people in 2000 that bitched & moaned about Bush winning based on Electoral Votes instead of popular votes which would have put Gore into office.

She moans about it all the time! At least once a show she is making some comment about how the republicans stole that office, or how Bush isn't the 'real' president, or how Bush is a 'dork', 'dweeb', or 'idiot'.

She needs to learn the phrase - If The Shoe Fits, Wear It.

Joy -- you are a hypocrite.
Whoopi said that she would not like to see Hillary get the nomination for VP because of her speech. Over one single speech.

Yet when Obama was taken to task over some of the things he said, she had the view that it was just one speech and how people need to take into consideration his travel sched. etc.

Whoopi - If The Shoe Fits, Wear It.

Obama has done just as much self-loving speeches in his time.
Whoopi made a comment about how around the men's water cooler they were joking about how she would go monthly and push that button -- but it was Joy just a few weeks back when Elizabeth was showing the campaign signs and what they had to say ... Joy said that Hillary's was one for Hormonal Replacement Therapy.

Fit the Shoe, ladies!!
But I have to tell you ... the one that really got me was the responses that the ladies made about who should run with Obama (although the question was really whether Hill should run with him) ... the one thing I noticed is that Joy and Sherri both gave their ideal VPs and for the reasons why they mentioned their backgrounds on Foreign Policy.

What? But I thought you all said that Obama's inexperience didn't matter? So why would he need a VP that can pick up the FP slack?

I'm sorry but if I pick a Pres I want someone who can handle FP on his own (remember all the jokes and questions about how Bush didn't know who the world leaders were?).

Yes its a shoe store today!

Yeah -- Prada doesn't have this good a business.

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