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Monday, June 09, 2008

Send in the Clowns

In Franken's Senate run, jokes are off record Politics Reuters:
"'Minnesotans do know the difference between a senator who is qualified to do the job, and a satirist who won't even explain what he meant when he attacked people throughout the years,' Coleman spokesman Luke Friedrich said.
But Franken also will be able to draw on the fervent support of those who see him as a hero.
'Al was the only one who was standing up for us when Rush Limbaugh was beating us up pretty badly,' said Roann Carter, a Democratic activist from Minneapolis."
What idiot thought that running Franken would be a good thing?
Okay - if you didn't read the original article let me tell you - any 'politican' who says jokes are "off the record" needs to have those jokes published. Remember that most of what J. Edgar Hoover said was off the record, as were the racist comments by LBJ -- I'm sorry but "off the record" in this type of instance is code for "I'm going to say something that I know is wrong - so cover my butt for me".

MNotans do not have an issue with satirists - we elected Jesse .... we do however have trouble with people who don't know their own platform.

If the only reasons this guy gets in is because (a) he's not Bush or (b) he isn't Lindbaugh ... then we deserve the clown the public votes in.

My feeling is that Franken has not real platform of his own so he has no choice but to go against everything that Coleman is for, or appears to be for. Simply put - he's a paper candidate.

On one hand he wants people to look at what he has done in past for reasons why he would be a good candidate, but on the other hand he doesn't want you to look at his past for reasons why he wouldn't be a good candidate.

So besides the gay-bashing, woman hating/belittling, self-confession of his NOT being a good candidate -- yes he actually said he would not make a good candidate -- we are supposed to accept everything nasty or bad that he has said as simply "satire" and forget about it.

I'm sorry .... but the reason that comedy works so well is because no matter what its about the comedian believes it on a basic level ... if they didn't then they couldn't deliver the lines properly.

So why did I chose the quote I did from the story .... it is simple ... to show the real motivation for Franken and it has NOTHING to do with his stance on anything.

Now isn't that the kind of party you want running the nation????

I'm waiting until the Wellstone signs come back out, or his name gets mentioned (Franken, Wellstone's type of guy ... or something like that) --- then I will know that he really has nothing behind him other than money.

Money, which by the way, would be better spent on programs to help the poor that he says he is worried about.

Ohhhh, wait ... I forgot .... he had to pay those back taxes first .... say .... if he earned less than $100,000 last year .... where did he get the money to pay those taxes from anyways???


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