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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Whoa -- how can they do this??

BREAKING NEWS: Dean, Pelosi, Reid set Friday deadline for superdelegates' choices, move to force end to Clinton bid : Top of the Ticket : Los Angeles Times:
"With the final primary concluded barely hours before, top Democratic Party leaders in Washington early this morning ratcheted up the pressure to force all remaining uncommitted superdelegates to make their choice of candidate known by Friday -- and thus end the now hopeless, one-time frontrunning campaign of New York Sen. Hillary Clinton."
What the hey??? My understanding is that the superdelegates have until the convention to decide who they want to vote for ... but then the democrats are really starting to look like the Republicans that they hollar about .... don't they?

You don't think any of those old hurt feelings of Dean's is showing thru do you? After all, didn't the Clinton's back someone else for that election run?

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