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Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday Freak Out - Mother Loses Kids After Sending Daughter to School With Swastika Drawn on Arm :
"The case has sparked a debate over whether the police and child welfare authorities can take children away because of their parents’ beliefs."
Okay this qualifies as a Freak out because it is actually pretty scary.
Especially when you realize how many times people want things to be like they are in Canada (or France for that matter -- but that's a different story)

Okay so this woman sends her 7 yr old to school with a swastika drawn on her arm (horrid I know) and the teacher scrubbed it off. Now she did it again and this time they decided to call in Child & Family Services.

Why?? What did this woman do to put her child in danger? Is it CFS's job now to tell people how they can raise their children? What is next?

Granted that the woman considers herself what can only be described as a Neo-Nazi (although she flowered it up) ... and everyone would condemn it -- but does that mean that she should be denied the right to her beliefs or to share them with her children? I don't think so.

I do believe that the proper thing would have been to suspend the girl for her mother's actions under the current school rules ... but not call CFS.

I would think that in order for CFS to be able to actually take physical custody of these children there would have to be some proof that these kids were in immediate danger.

There is no mention as to what they found at the house other than symbols & flags. (wonder what they considered 'symbols')

I'm sorry but a persons beliefs should not be considered the loan reason for taking children. It would be like saying that because a person is of a certain religion they should have there kids removed .... oh wait .... the do that already ... its called Paganism.

And no .... there is no link between Paganism & Nazism...despite what you've heard (in fact they are pretty much opposites of each other).

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