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Thursday, July 03, 2008

No, no politcs here Colorado's Online News Leader 'Black national anthem' stirs controversy for city:
"At the start of the event Tuesday morning, City Council President Michael Hancock introduced singer Rene Marie to perform the national anthem.
Instead, she performed the song 'Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing,' which is also known as the 'black national anthem.'
When she finished, the audience responded with mild applause. The national anthem was never performed."
Okay first - I have no problem with the 'black national anthem' -- other than "why is there a 'black" national anthem?' == anyways ... to me its a simple breech of contractual arrangement.

She was contracted and expected to sing the National Anthem, not a song of her choosing. So the next question is, when they finally realized after the first two lines they didn't shut off her mike, walk over to her and ask her to sing the song she was supposed to sing.

Its too bad this had to happen this way -- all this woman did was feed the worry that certain people have about Barrack Obama becoming President. Its a shame in that matter.

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