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Thursday, July 10, 2008

NOW they pay attention - Smithsonian Puts Mysterious Crystal Skull on Display - Science News Science & Technology Technology News:
"Happy to share the spotlight with the latest Indiana Jones movie, the Smithsonian's Museum of Natural History is putting its crystal skull on display starting Thursday."
You know -- if you all would just watch the great television shows you would have learned about Crystal Skulls a long time ago ....

Stargate SG-1, starring Richard Dean Anderson [purrrrr], had one of these in their third season (amazingly titled 'Crystal Skull') ... and hey what do you know -- it was used to send people to a 'tween spot -- that is it throws the person just a smidge out of phase with anyone who isn't affected -- to meet a race of beings who are more intelligent than us.

Hubby is listening to the book on disc right now and I have to say that other than the story plot, everything else is pretty much the same.

If you liked the Indiana Jones version of the story -- you have got to check out the Stargate version .... what? it will cost you ... and hour of your time?? It took longer and cost more to go to the movie theater to see the latest version of 'King Kong' -- and that's 2 hours of your life you will never get back.

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