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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Aw C'mon!

The State 09/11/2008 Boy suspended for using broken pencil sharpener:
"A teacher at Hilton Head Island International Baccalaureate Elementary School noticed the boy had what appeared to be a small razor blade during class on Tuesday, according to a Beaufort County sheriff's report.

It was obvious that the blade was the metal insert commonly found in a child's small, plastic pencil sharpener, the deputy noted.

The boy -- a fourth-grader described as a well-behaved and good student -- cried during the meeting with his mom, the deputy and the school's assistant principal."
Every year these things show up on my kids supply lists too ... they don't seem to last as long as they should or ought too - if they don't break they dull out majorly fast.

Here's an idea -- why don't the schools simply put a pencil sharpener in EACH CLASSROOM and then it wouldn't be an issue quite as much ...

Oh that poor thing .... he must have been really scared. And you have to wonder what the phone call was that his mother recieved! Chances are if he was trying to reuse the broken sharpener that either they are so tight on money that he didn't think they could afford another one, or his parent work so hard that he didn't think they would time to get a new one for him.

you would be surprised how kids process information.

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