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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Election 2008

Jonathan Martin's Blog: S.C. Dem chair: Palin primary qualification is she hasn't had an abortion -
"South Carolina Democratic chairwoman Carol Fowler sharply attacked Sarah Palin today, saying John McCain had chosen a running mate 'whose primary qualification seems to be that she hasn’t had an abortion.”"
And how does this help your party??

OMGs! How can anyone proudly call themselves Democrat with these people saying this sort of thing?

Even Geraldine Ferraro who stood up against the sexism that Hillary was facing is supporting this sort of thing. WHY????

Why is it only sexism when its against a democrat but not against a republican??

WTF??? Where the hell is N.O.W. (the National Organization of Women) on all of this crap that is being said? Why are they hiding, should we take this then to mean that NOW is actually a democratic organization disguised as a civic organization?

Enough is enough -- NOW step up or disband!!!

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