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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Election 2008: Obama

Okay - I just saw the FULL clip on Fox News. It is obvious that Obama was not using a teleprompter. It is obvious that he was trying to remember his talking points ... and I think what may have happened is that he put the quote in the wrong spot.

It was definately a spot where he was simply repeating the exact same stuff he has said over a dozen times before with a couple of new things added ... he was definately having a tough time remembering what was supposed to be said, and you can see that he was trying to run it all thru his mind first before saying it trying to decide whether it would get the response he wanted.

I still think he needs to apologize though in order to 'save face' in this election.
McCain camp angry over Obama's 'lipstick' comment:

"What's the difference between the presidential campaign before and after the national political conventions? Lipstick.

The colorful cosmetic has become a political buzzword, thanks to Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin's joke in her acceptance speech that lipstick is the only thing that separates a hockey mom like her from a pit bull.
Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama told an audience Tuesday ...

'You can put lipstick on a pig,' he said to an outbreak of laughter, shouts and raucous applause from his audience, clearly drawing a connection to Palin's joke. 'It's still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still going to stink after eight years.'"

You know its kind of like the n-word, Barrack. Ladies can say it about other ladies -- but as a man you have no business calling her a pig, or even eluding to it!

He was obviously speak of her because his next line was about the old fish.

Tsk, tsk. I wonder why women would take such great offense to this??
Now I have used the saying 'lipstick on a pig' several times - usually when discussing grades and how all the work at the end of the term isn't going to help much, its just lipstick on a pig - but I would not use it to describe a person by any means .... that's just beyond rude!

If there was one thing I could say about Obama was that, until now, he has acted like a gentleman towards Hillary (who at the time was running against him). He pull a chair out for her at one of the debates ... he never really got rude or cruel that I heard of on the trail ... and even when Palin came on to the scene he made it clear (well, in his rather laid back 'I can't control them' way) that families and family problems were off the table during the campaign = referring of course to Palin's pregnant daughter and Sarah's DS son.

This seems so out of character, I have to wonder if perhaps he wasn't reading it from a teleprompter and didn't realize it was going to be on there until the words came out of his mouth .... but then he may not have even realized it then if he had just been reading it he may not have been totally concious of what he was saying until sometime afterwards.

So where is N.O.W. on this comment? Where were they during the baby controversy?

So what is the difference between when McCain used it and Obama?
McCain was clearly using it to speak of Hillary's health care plan ... it was expressed about a specific topic/idea .... Obama's reference seems like just a general statement not pertaining to anything specific at all.

Of course this would be easier to tell if someone (I'm going to assume the Obama camp since I've heard they are very diligent about this sort of thing) has yanked the video from You Tube so that the nation, neigh the world, can't see what a creep he is.

yes I think he needs to issue an apology -- if for nothing else, because its the politically correct thing to do!

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