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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Election 2008

Franken seeks Senate nod amid 7 state primaries - Yahoo! News: "Comedian Al Franken grabbed the Democratic nomination Tuesday for U.S. Senate in Minnesota, setting up a showdown with Republican Sen. Norm Coleman that had been years in the making." Please - pray for us. This state loves its celebrities, even if they are asses ... this guy in office scares the crap out of me.

He will be worse than Wellstone ever was ... at least Wellstone had some idea of what the crap he was doing since he was a Political Science professor before becoming senator .... Franken was a comedian.

Apparently one so bad that he couldn't even take what he said seriously.

I can not believe he got the nomination. Even his biggest supporter, Lord-Ferris, was so diselusioned with him once she actually started to hear him speak that she ran against him!!!!

It was just too bad that she didn't have the funds he did to make the big splashy ads ... she would have been better. She's a lawyer, her dad is a well known and widely respected judge ... she has political history as she sat on a city council.

How did MN ever come to this?

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