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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Election 2008 - McCain Campaign Fumes Over Paterson's Racism Claim:
"'I think the Republican Party is too smart to call Barack Obama 'black' in a sense that it would be a negative. But you can take something about his life, which I noticed they did at the Republican Convention – a 'community organizer.'
They kept saying it, they kept laughing,' he said."
Your shittin' me, right?

Are there no community organizers? Excuse me???

What did you want them to call him? Are we getting to the point now where if we say anything about the man we are racist? That's just stupid.

They kept laughing because being a community organizer doesn't prepare you for being President you dolt!

Take the stick out of your butt, beat yourself around the head with it, and get a reality check.

They used the term to contrast his record against McCain's and Palin's ... geez.

did you know that there is a group of people out there that actually want to change the term "Black Hole" because its 'racist'?

I think people have got to take a step back. A BIG step back.

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