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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Election 2008 - Obama On Letterman: 'McCain Policy Is The Pig':
"'Keep in mind, technically, had I meant it this way, [Palin] would be the lipstick. The failed policies of John McCain would be the pig, just following the logic of this illogical situation,' Obama said."
I can't believe he thought that this was better.

so he is basically saying she's only there because she 'looks pretty' .... not because of any accomplishments she has had, not because of what she brings to the ticket, not because she is smart, witty, compliments her running mates strengths and shores up his weaknesses (the way Biden does with his lack of experience) ....

nope -- she's there because she's "lipstick"

I think this is 100times WORSE than the original statement! Why couldn't he just simply come out and say "its a common expression, I didn't mean any offense by it, but I apologize for having hurt the McCain campaigns feelings"?

no he had to be GLIB .... yes you heard me, and yes I do feel very "tom cruise-ish" right now .... but that's exactly what he was.

Arrogant and Glib. He totally dismissed ANYTHING that Palin could bring to the table for the EXACT same reasons that he has been trying to defend himself.

What an ass.

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