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Thursday, December 04, 2008

Morning Laugh

okay had to share this one -- we had a livestock truck over turn this morning and PIGS were everywhere. As a child born in the 60's I found it rather ironic that the POLICE got called to help round them up ... and no, I've never called a cop a 'pig' in my life.

well, okay ... just once ... but I was like 6 yrs old and heard it in 1st grade and my folks set me straight right away.

I've never done it since then.
Now that the sun has come up they have switched over to the color feed and you can see the full extent of the mess out there ... the red circle is the corral they have set up to hold the pigs, the bigger trucks are new livestock trucks that have come to help haul the little squealers away.
and yes that is the little bit of snow we have so far this year - sad isn't it? you know if we had our regular snow fall of 8" on the ground by now -- this pig round-up would be one to get video of!! That would just be funny.

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