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Sunday, February 01, 2009

The World is Watching ...

14-times Olympic gold medal winner Michael Phelps caught with bong cannabis pipe:
"Our source said: “You could tell Michael had smoked before. He grabbed the bong and a lighter and knew exactly what to do.
“He looked just as natural with a bong in his hands as he does swimming in the pool. He was the gold medal winner of bong hits. Michael ended up getting a little paranoid, though, because before too long he looked like he was nervous and ran out of the place.”"
Which just goes to show that even if the US legalized marijuana as they wish to do in CA ... the rest of the world will not accept it ... in fact it would do more to harm our image abroad then help it.

Phelps -- you idiot! You aint above the law, you have to pay attention to it like anyone else.

So now the question is -- can Olympic action be taken against him as the photos can be taken as a confession? can the long arm of the law reach out and give him 'time' in the slammer for it?

We will have to see.

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