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Thursday, February 12, 2009

You're kidding right??

Barack Obama Prescreens Reporters at Press-Conference -
"Presidents are free to conduct press conferences however they like, but the decision to preselect questioners is an odd one, especially for a White House famously pledged to openness."
EVERY President that has held a news conference has chosen who gets called on ... it is however unusual for them to do it so blatantly ... but then we've never had a President so influenced by "West Wing" before.

Nope. Can't find fault with Obama this time ... just as the Bush Adm. used to call on that one bald blogger dude which caused such a hulla-baloo. And how do you think that Helen what's-her-name who's been a reporter at the WH since the Kennedy administration keeps her job -- HELEN THOMAS, that's her name ... ?

But it didn't get a big spotlight on the practice until "The West Wing" thru it out there for the world to see ... actually I see a lot of influence of the show thru this whole election season from the Dems.

Only thing really missing is a cabinet post for McCain!

But really .... someone needs to let Obama know that if things really happened like they did in the show .... we would be wiped off the face of the earth, because more than one decision that "President Bartlett" made would have plunged us into war.

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