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Friday, March 06, 2009

Piece of Advice

If you are going on the People's Court or any broadcast television show -- keep the head wagging at home.

I've seen this episode before but for some reason I must not have been paying attention because it was really obvious that this gal had no control of her head (actually I would love to have seen her in front of Judge Judy).... Velveeta ... I can respect her wanting to wear clothes that depicts her heritage.

She had on a beautiful Caftan and this huge (and I mean HUGE) turban type of head-dress and some lovely shells or pearls around her neck (loved the necklace, just didn't get a real good look) ... but she couldn't keep her head still.

It bobbed, it circled, it swayed and it swagged every time she opened her mouth -- it was like moving the jaw thru the balance off or something.

But I've seen that, that's not even that annoying (although she was making quite the show out of it) ... but she was doing the same thing with HER MOUTH!!! Remove Formatting from selectionShe circled & swagged her lower jaw too.

PLEASE PEOPLE -- if you are before a judge ... stop the drama ... stop the theatrics ... just go in and see thru the judges eyes ... in fact, all that probably would have gotten her case tossed on Judge Judy --I've seen her bawl people out for saying 'umm' and 'ahh' too much (she calls it 'singing') .... I would love to have heard what she had to say about this gals neck-aerobics

btw ... it turned out that Velveeta lost because the landlord had the proper paperwork with Velveeta's sigs that showed she had already received all her money due.

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