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Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Sen. Specter has jumped parties from GOP to DEM ... you know it has less to do with what he believes in and more to do with the fact that he feels a Republican can't win the seat again - which he was - this was a move to save his job, not because of any beliefs he holds.

May a fly lay eggs in your ear.

This isn't like McCain who consistantly voted with the Dems ... he was one I'm surprised didn't switch parties. Specter had been voting with the GOP for quite some time now.

So now you can bet you will hear calls for him to pay back the campaign funds he recieved -- but the problem with that is that he didn't do this within the first year of being elected.

We had a simular situation when Norm Coleman was voted in as Mayor of St. Paul -- he ran the first couple of times as Democrat, then in his second term he found that he was less in line with the State's DFL party and more in line with the GOP so he hopped ships.

But see this is why people need to vote for the person and not the party -- this is why moral fortitude comes into play ... his voters should have known he was a major ass kisser

it will be interesting to see how his votes change on things ... like stem cell research, abortion rights, gay marriage, and funding for the troops.

I am sitting here listening to the reasons why he felt the need to jump and all I'm hearing is 'the Republicans have been getting defeated" .... HEY! LISTEN WAIT A BIT, OBAMA WILL SCREW UP AND THE REPUBS WILL BE IN POWER AGAIN ...

He just is saving his job! If he had a bone to pick with the Republican party why didn't he just become Independant the way Lieberman did?? He could win re-election as an Independant ... he only went to the Dems because Biden made him promises --

I'd be really really mad if he were my Senator .... not so much because he jumped parties but because of some of the things I've been seeing on the scroll on the bottom of the television.
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Benedict Arlen?....
Veteran repub Sen Arlen Specter (PA) says he'll switch party affiliation. A move intended to boost his chances of winning re-election next yr and push Dems closer to a 60-vote filibuster-proof majority...
with Specter Dems will have 59 senate seats and Al Franken would become the party's 60th vote if he wins the marathon recountin MN ...
79-yr-old Specter has acknowledged that to win in 2010 he would need thousands of repubs who voted for Obama to flip back to the GOP ...
[ginger says: because of the way ACORN conducted themselves and the blatant biases we've seen in the recount process - who knows if the Repubs really did vote for Obama]

On March 17 Specter told the Hill he was staying a Repub because "I think I have a more important role to play here" adding "I'm afraid we're becoming a one-party system" ...

Earlier this month, Specter told CO "our country is built on checks and balances. The only check and balance in America today are the 41 Republican senators"

Dems finalize agreement on the $3.5 TRIL budget. which includes a controversial fast-track process to pave the way for Pres Obama's health care reforms ... Obama's health care plan would require tax hikes and spending cuts to bring in $1TRIL or more over the next decade ... but the budget plan does not include Obama's proposal to squeeze the rich by reducing their itemized tax deductions for charitable giving and mortgage interest.
[ginger says: whoa, not a little BIASED there are you? its not just the rich who will get squeezed on this one ... but I'm allowed to be biased, you aren't]

Meanwhile the budget outline allows Pres Obama's signature middle-class tax cut to expire after next yr unless further tax hikes or spending cuts are implimented... taxes will go up on people making $200,000 or couples making $250.000... Obama's bugets is forecasted to produce more than $500 BIL in deficits by 2014

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