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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Democrat Scape-Goat

First let us remember that he was once the Silver Boy of the Democratic party ... being put up as a possible Vice-President ...

then the party wouldn't back him during his current senate run so he had to run as an Independent ... and left the candidate that the Dems wanted to have in his seat in the dust!!

Remember that he has steadily voted with the Dem party on several items, but got totally chastized by Sen. Obama, et al. when he supported then President Bush's funding for the troops (I think that's what the problem was - I would have to double check) ... and then there was the whole rawl when he supported McCain for President over Obama, that got nasty.

Now Sen. Joe Leiberman is getting bitch-slapped again by the Democratic party for doing what he thinks is best for the American people and has vowed against voting for any health bill with a 'public option' in any way, shape or form -- he feels it is like righting a blank check ... because no one can say just how much debt that will add, since the gov. would be responsible for paying for all those bills.

Makes sense to me - its kind of like sending your kid off to college with an open ended credit card under the condition of 'emergencies only', you will soon find out that the kid's idea of an 'emergency' is not a parent's idea of an emergency. (this is why gift cards for specific gas stations, or grocery stores are the best in our mind -- I digress)

So are they just saying Lieberman is out of touch with what the nation wants? no

Instead they are painting him with the paints they save for the Republicans -- they are claiming that he is more interested in protecting the Insurance Companies - at least the ones who have their main corporate offices located in his state - Conneticut.

You what though? I think they will find it hard to pull him down ... Americans like a person who votes their conscience (that's the wrong one I know) ... perhaps now Leiberman will stop voting by what the Democratic party wants and start looking things over for himself...

oh who am I kidding? He will always vote with the Dems, because as an Independent its the only way he will be able to get support for the projects/bills he has to bring to the Senate floor. If he isn't careful, his name could be a detriment on any bill ... they could pass over a bill simply because he was a co-sponser without ever taking a decent look at it.

its too bad that the government is being ran this way -- but I have a feeling its been like that since the first Continental Congress.

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