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Monday, November 30, 2009

Tiger by the tail ....

yeah - that's what I thought ... didn't I tell you earlier?

Mrs. Wood's took a golf club to her hubby who was having a fling in Australia -- okay, there are allegations of an affair, but apparently the gal (and I'm guessing Tiger) are denying the whole thing ...

although .... I heard on the radio this morning - hubby wakes to talk radio, I don't like the morning team but this caught my ear - that this same gal had been linked to the guy that played "Angel" & is currently on "Bones" (David Borellies, or something - just can't spell that last name) - and he was also a married man at the time.

Now I know a woman, or rather knew a woman - we used to work together, who would only go out with guys who where already committed to other women ... and he preference was for those who played for NBA teams (I'm not naming any one here - its not my place to 'out' her) ...

but it seemed like if the guy was free and clear, she would quickly lose interest ... but if she had to sneak around, get latenight calls while wives were away or they were supposed to be at the office, she was all for it.

I don't claim to know why women would want this - but there are some out there ... this gal who is supposed to have had the affair could be one of those women.

BUT I DIGRESS -- after all let's not forget that if he had just kept it in his pants none of this would have happened....

Here's what we know:

there are claims that Mrs Woods scratched Tiger's face
that Tiger was on some prescript meds which meant he shouldn't have been driving (we've all seen those notices about operating heavy machinery)
the police are NOT looking into Tiger's medical records
there may or may not have been a golf cart involved, and it may or may not have been involved in the accident
Mrs. Woods took a golf club to the back window, claims are she did it to get him out of the car after the accident
the couple refuses to speak to the police about what happened prior to, during, after the accident

hmmm -- I wonder ... I have a feeling we aren't done with this one .... I'm thinking we are going to be seeing some tell-all-books coming out in the next year or so.
"I had a Tiger by the Tail" by Ima Hore

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