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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mass. Elections: Coakley vs. Brown vs. Kennedy

MA voter enrollement
DEM 1,559,464
GOP 490,259
N/A 2,141,878
(in this case N/A means "not affiliated")
I have not seen any polls numbers with the Independent candidate Kennedy in them ... but I didn't want anyone to think that the MA senate race was without a Kennedy -- it will be the first time that a Kennedy hasn't won a MA election in about a generation ... of course he is not of The Kennedy clan, my understanding is that he is of no relation.

Okay - the poll numbers as of this morning, election day ....
Scott Brown (R) 52%
Martha Coakley (D) 43%

Politico/InsiderAdvanatage January

But then -- really when it comes down to it .... the only "poll" that counts is the one that comes later tonight.

I heard in a interview this morning with Mitt Romney (yes the one that ran for President and the one that has been Govenor of 2 states, one of which was MA) that MA isn't as Democratic as everyone seems to think ... but yes they are that progressive.

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