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Saturday, January 02, 2010

Reality Check

Now keeping in mind all the trouble Bush got into for continuing to read to the FL school children when the Twin Towers were attacked ....

What was President Obama doing when they were detaining the Underwear Bomber & checking the other planes to make sure all was okay?

Going for hikes in the hills of Hawaii

Playing on the Beach

Dinner with the Troops --
Noble but I think they for sure would understand if the
President had to cancel due to a Terrorist Alert

Playing Golf
Well okay, this picture was taken
on New Years Eve ... but it was
reported that he was on the course
the day it happened.

So where is the critism of Obama for not ending his vacation and rushing back to Washington DC when all this occured?

Have you heard a single peep?

Any outrage from supporters like Oprah Winfrey or Joy Behar?

Or is Obama 'teflon coated'? Like Bill Clinton?

Hey - what's good for the Goose .... !

Hmmmm ....

Can you say "Nixon 2"???

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