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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Stupid Politican Tricks

"Misspoke" that is how Blumenthal (senate hopeful from CT, and Atty General for the state) described his statements that he served in the Viet Nam war during several broadcast speeches/appearances, plus several others reported by people who were there at events not broadcast.

Yeah - 'misspoke' ... how about calling a Lie a Lie! Saying you served during the Viet Nam war and giving people the impression you were over IN Viet Nam would have been a misspoke -- but, sir, you actually said you WERE in Viet Nam....

But according to Blumenthal its all okay because "the mistake has only happened a few times out of "hundreds" of addresses he's given." ... oh - so when George Bush said once it was 'mission accomplished' in Iraq then he should have been forgiven that? Or that when it was reported that he served in the Reserves during the Viet Nam war instead of going over, that was supposed to be forgiven too?

hmm .... somehow I don't remember all of that 'forgiveness' going on ....

I will have a list of quotes by the CT atty general later on - I have to deal with my kids being home first.

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