May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Wednesday, June 09, 2010


As you may have noticed -- there haven't been any posts for the last couple of days .... Blogger was having some issues but it looks like everything may be straightened out now.

Of course most of the article info I was going to have on the elections yesterday is now mute -- blogger may have been back up, I just didn't have a chance to pop in like I thought I would.

Whatever the case -- its back and so am I

P.S. this icon was found on I love this guys shirt -- I can think of at least 4 guys in my life right now that would really love to get their hands on one .... but he doesn't mention where he got his original shirt from in his post.

PPS - found the Code Monkey Tshirt page ... damn, they aint cheap .... $25 each plus shipping. I guess it isn't so much more than other spots, I just remember the time when buying from the internet meant being able to get stuff for soooooo much less because the 'middle man' was illiminated. no more I guess :-(
BUT - if you are interested .... if you don't like the dark on light/light on dark simply click the 'code monkey' image on the redrubble page and it will toggle to the other option for you.

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