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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Economic Education

(drafted 30 Aug 2010)
I have a few charts to share and then some numbers as well

First is a chart of federal deficit changes over the years ... via Fox News .... which shows that UNDER BUSH until '08 when Pelosi and the Dems got control of congress, the deficit was low and the cost of the war was about the same as it is now - even though a smaller perentage is being spent now in comparison, the amouth is about the same.

The second has to do with Wall Streets reaction to the Presidents speech earlier, which took place around 1:30 or 2pm ET ... you can see that a stock market that was already down, got even worse!

  • +50 Million Americans on Medicaid (not medicare for seniors)
  • $273 Million to fund Medicaid, up 36%
  • 1 in 6 Americans recieving some sort of federal aid to live
  • +40 Million Americans are on Food Stamps (or vouchers, depending on the state)
  • approx. 10 Million are getting Unemployment
  • $160 Billion to fund Unemployment benefits, up from $43 Billion
  • 4.41 Million people are on Welfare

Hows that "Change" working out for you???

Remember that they never said what the change would be .... its an equal opportunity nation -- EVERYONE is going to taxed out of their minds and living on government benefits soon.

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