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Monday, August 09, 2010

Obama Time

Ok - time for Barack -- you didn't think I was going to go a day with out him did you???

He had his birthday this weekend (while his wife was in Spain ... hmmmm .... that's kinda weird*)

He celebrated it doing what he liked to do:
  • Basketball with Celebrities (for charity)
  • Golf (big surprise)
  • Bar-b-que ... now I'm not sure if this was actual BBQ or grilling and I don't know if he did any of it himself
  • Oprah Winfrey -- not on tv mind you, but in real-life on the couch!

On his birthday, I can't begrudge him a little "me" time ... doing the things he likes to do ... yes, this is an appropriate time for golf.

But I'm wondering whats going on that he would rather spend time with Oprah than his wife, and she would rather be in Spain than home with him on his birthday.

*even if her trip had been set up 18months ago ... she must have realized that she would have been out of country for his birthday ... I believe it was 'coincidence' about as much as I believe that Naomi Campbell didn't know those were diamonds-in-the-rough that she got. riiiiiiight.

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