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Friday, December 30, 2011

Ron Paul

(just he name sends shivers down my spine)

• calls factions against Iran ACTS OF WAR

What others are saying

Gingrich: I think Ron Paul's views are totally outside the mainstream of virtually every decent American.

Bachmann: Ron Paul would make a very dangerous president because of his foreign policy.

Romeny: one of the people running for president thinks it's okay for Iran to have a nuclear weapon, I don't

Santorum: ... A second term with Barack Obama, I'm not sure what hat different than with a Ron Paul administration when it comes to national security.

Now let's remember that this is NOT he first Iranian-sympathetic statement made by Paul ... In fact he has said so MANY times so it's not just being misunderstood or misquoted or even misstatements -- this is how this man REALLY THINKS about Iran.

Let us also remember that he said that Al Qaeda was justified in their attack on the World Trade centers, Pentagon, and attempted attack on the White House ...

How is this guy gaining so much support?

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