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Saturday, February 11, 2012


Now we all know that things are getting tense in the middle east with Iran talking about getting a nuclear bomb .... Even one that is supposed to be able to get to the US I hear

But listening to FoxNews tonight - the US SEC of DEF was quoted as saying that it will be likely that by April, May, or June things will be happening between Israel and Iran!

Holy Crap!

Polls taken of the american people should their naiveté

US taking military action to keep Iran from getting nukes
30% Opposed
(and I assume the other 10% either didn't know or gave some answer that didn't fit the answers)

If Iran and Israel Went To War, Should The US Use Military Action To Help Israel?
45% Yes, Take Military Action

Feb 6-9
Registered voters,
MOE +/- 3%
(both polls)

If Israel goes to war .... I don't know how we would stay out of a new World War -- I don't think those are the "shovel ready" projects we all had in mind ...

I'm thinking Chavez is rubbing his hands together right now

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