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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Economic Education

For those applauding the Presidents plan to raise minimum wage to $10.10/hr ....

Don't Hold Your Breath


But there's even worse news ...

I heard on our local CBS channel that this will effect <b> 2 million </b> people ...


it will only apply to NEW hires AFTER he signs it ~OR~ those who are already employed but something MAJOR changes in their job which  changes their POSITION/TITLE 

So the VAST MAJORITY of federal minimum wage earners ...


How many times do I have to explain this to people ...

Raising minimum wage does NOT help the people already getting minimum wage - it hurts them ... And it hurts EVERYONE in the long run because it pushes up the PRICE of goods .... Which causes people to SPEND LESS on long term items like homes & cars because MORE MONEY is needed for necessities ... Like FOOD & CLOTHES ...

Besides ....

We all know the Feds will always vote raises in for themselves ...

I say ... Lets tie their wages in to the countries PROFIT ...

Federal workers get a PERCENTAGE of the SAVINGS on the NATIONAL DEFICIT each year ....

They of course will receive a minimum wage so they will be able to live ....


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