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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Economic Education

Okay - so just prove me wrong, NYSE!  Buzzards!

Although .... They were predicting that it was going to jump 600 puts right away 
While the FUTURES market might be up, -- the regular everyday market has opened at less than HALF that amount ... It's at like 250 or so right now at 10:30ish ET

Here are some screen shots I took this morning ....
Opening Bell
A bit later, like 30 seconds, maybe
Next update
30 seconds later
So what's the impact on stocks overnight? 
The difference 24-hrs makes .... and a bit of "playing loose" with the goal posts
What has this done to your every day life"
The 10:30 dance

Well -- like yesterday, I will update periodically as I think it's needed.

I will likely start a separate UPDATE post and put them as they happen at the top of that one

Good Luck!

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