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Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Iowa Break Down

According to the Iowa Secretary of State Iowa has the following:

615, 763. Registered republicans
4, 348 NEW republican registrations since 01jan2016
122,000 record caucus turn out 2012

2, 724 NEW register  democrats since 01jan2016
624 new registrations in last FOUR DAYS 
(Fox predicted that it wouldn't be enough for Sanders ... LOL)

Iowa has SAME DAY REGISTRATION (just like MN) 

This means that until the caucuses close, they don't really know how many people they have in either party.

Now I heard one reporter say that in Iowa they don't always stick to the rules ... They have been known to register people who weren't 18yrs at the time of the caucus but would be at the time of the election .... they've also been known to not lock the doors when they are supposed to if they know someone is coming that isn't in the door yet.

So ... yeah ...   I will not place an Iowan joke here, I only know a couple that aren't really blonde jokes ... But I don't want to offend anyone from Iowa, they wouldn't understand the joke until November anyways ...

Obama's people took to social media to bashed Sanders at the last moment.

I wonder if that was prompted by Clinton or Walserman-Schultz .... Hmmmm

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