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Monday, January 18, 2021


So after the George Fllyod Roots of 2020, Minnesota councils started talking about cutting funding for their Poloce departments, most notatable was Minneapolis ... When it made the national news and people in the city began to complain about the near instant rise in crime -- in broad daylight and violent nonetheless -- councils soon came out and claimed to have been either misquoted or misunderstood. The COUNTIES on the other hand, kept their mouths shit and didn't say anything .... If it hadn't been for THIS news story, I wouldn't have learned of any thing going astray either. So how does the hierarchy of police work? (learned this while my oldest daughter had hoped to become a police offocer) Police Departments work for COTIES, their authority generally stays within city limits unless they have contracts with other cities Sherrie departments generally work within a COUNTY, their scope includes crimes which include several cities within their county plus any cities they have a contract with (generally smaller towns or sparsely populated areas) State Patrol works within the boundaries of the state, they generally do NOT contract although they do patrOK and support both sheriff's departments and highway patrol - but in general they work mostly with crimes that involve more than one county Highway Patril deals with crimes which happen on state/local/interstate highways ... If a crime starts im a city and moves onto a highway they are generally called in. They do NOT contract out. They can however help with traffic during funerals or special visitors to a state such as the President.

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