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Tuesday, August 10, 2021


 So I've been paying attention to the Durst trial lately -- His wife went missing years ago, then he killed his neighbor when he moved out of state (he claimed it was Self Defense, but since they couldn't prove otherwise, they charged him with messing with a Corpse - he buried it, I think) -- well now his Best Friend was found dead, shot to death in her home ... the prosecutors say he killed her, but I've been so distracted by Durst's antics that I haven't really listened t what proof they've had ... LOL ... kind of sad really.

This guy is such a Clown ... but the "Memory Expert" that has been called to testify (she's been called to such cases as Harvey Winestein, Bill Cosby, and Ted Bundy) - a so sure about her explanation about False Memories, but she is a "qualifies expert" for the courts, so, she must know something that she's talking about.

False Memories = Memories which come about by outside stimulation from outside of a person's experience.  aka Active Reality.

Any ways -- the Expert, Dr. Elizabeth Loftus (Memory Expert) was quite interesting..

The Prosecutor asked her why she REFUSED to meet with anyone from his office before the hearing so they could go over her testimony, or at least the parameter that it would cover (not unusual, kind of like a disposition only not as detailed - basically so they can look up some of the work she might bring up)

She told him "Because you are a BIG BULLY, and I didn't want to go through all that"

When asked why she thought he was a "bully" (remember what his job is, he's paid to be assertive-aggressive to do his job properly)

She answered that MOST Prosecutors weren't very happy to see her because she often helps to get Defendants "off" ((okay, if you're like me, that just raised all sorts of Red Flags))

The prosecutor told her he was happy to see her, very happy to see her, in fact - if she wanted, he'd give her a ride home!  Chuckles from the jury, but a slight scolding from the judge for that one. And, yeah, it went a tad over the line.

So back to the Red Flags -- it sounds as if she is SPECIFICALLY working for the Defense ... my general opinion of "Experts", especially in Courts of Law, is that they be IMPARTIAL until they see what they are working with.

To come into the situation - not the Courtroom, by then she should have things worked out - but to go INTO a situation with your opinion already worked out would be very much like only seeing the bottom half of a television screen and then telling someone about the entire show -- you might get it right, but you might also get it oh so wrong!

Her opinion is that one of the prosecutions witnesses that say Durst CONFESSED to committing murder were all suffering from FALSE MEMORIES ... the witness claimed Durst said "It was her or me, I had no choice"

Now the prosecutor is over step boundries when he was trying to get an answer abut how many qualifiers Dr. Loftus used when questioned by the Defense as opposed to the Prosecution -- he use the line "if someone put a gun to your head" - that did NOT sit well with ANYBODY in the courtroom but the prosecutor.

The most interesting part will be when ... if ... oh c'mon, you know he's gonna do it ... when Durst himself TESTIFIES!!!!!!

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