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Tuesday, August 10, 2021


Well we will have to see ...  there are 2 governor changes being "forced" in the nation.

First, is the recall of Gov. Newsom in CA ... with the Defunding movement running wild as well as the Homeless issue, amongst others ... He will be headed towards a Special Election in September (I think) and the race is long and wide!  
The big issue with this is that CA uses a system where a candidate has to receive at least 50% of the vote to win outright, a larger field will make this less likely to happen.
What could happen though, is that Caitlin Brenner has a possibility to win -- She would be the first TRANSGENDER governor in history.  You might remember Caitlin from the time she won the Decathlon in 1976 ... okay, her name was Bruce then, and he didn't know he was a girl yet.

No matter wins (and Caitlin shows she knows how!), its going to be a long drawn out mess.  

The other ousting ... well, not really an ousting ... the guy QUIT

Gov. Cuomo FINALLY listened to the others in his party (you should have seen the LONG list of everyone who was speaking out against him) and tendered his RESIGNATION today ... BUT, if he is hoping this will make all the allegations and lawsuits go away, he better think again.
Its rather interesting that his ATTORNEY came out and spoke on the television, setting forth all the reasons that the gal who filed the lawsuit is mistaken about her story, and about how biased the AG office was with the case, and how any number of other things just didn't add up. The argument of "he didn't mean it" didn't do much though, that just sounds way bad.

So about 20-30 minutes after his lawyer gets off the air, HE pops on to give some huge schpiel about how wrong people were about him, and about all the good work he did for the state, etc etc, tooting his own horn. Then out of the blue he threw out the reason for this Dog & Pony show -- he was giving NY 14 days and then he was leaving.
He made it sound like he was being a political pawn - that the only reason these ladies said anything was because they were being used to end his political career.

This guy is so ... FULL of himself .. more to come ... trust me, I've got a LOT to say about this guy.

Any how -- there we go.
Two Governor's are looking for work.

I'm guessing there will be some more books written .. maybe even a court show.

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