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Wednesday, September 21, 2022


 They have actually done a study ... someone actually paid for them to do this .. to see if how you ORDER you coffee says anything about you.

Remember, this is only for coffee that you would ordwer from a COFFEE SHOP, like Starbuck's or Caribou ... not a diner, or you make at home.

So here's what they found:

ESPRESSO: adventurous and powerful

TEA: civilized and sophisticated

FLAVORED: creative

ICED: "best kind of misfit" (what the hoot does that mean?)

BLACK: determined and focused

FREE: not covered, LOL, but I say pinch that penny until it poops a dime!

LATTE: mild mannered

CAPPACHINO: strong and powerful

They found that most people will have 2 cups a day

Also that people hate spending more than $3 for a cup of coffee .... they need to pass this bit of info onto Caribou and Starbuck's .... but it explains why MCDONALD'S is the #1 place for people to buy their coffee these days!

I prefer Caribou to Starbuck's ... the brew is more "mellow" where I find Starbuck's coffee tastes "burnt" to me.

How do YOU like your coffee??

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