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Sunday, April 07, 2024


"Face the Nation" (CBS) is in rare form today ... they have jumped on thair political bicycle and are peddling away ...

They had a couple interviews about the Francis Scott Key bridge tragedy ... and the anchor, Margaret something - I never seem to hear her surmane - asked the Seator from Maryland about how the funding for the rebuild can be made "Trump-proof" ... 

I have NEVER heard Mr. Trump say anything about taking away funds for this -- nor do I think he would even consider it ...
Its a MAJOR port for goodness sakes!!!

The Senator said that President Biden issued an Emergency Act which would automatically cover 90% of the rebuild, and he along wih the other senator from Maryland are working on a bill which will fund the other 10%, AND that any monetary settlements over the incident will be returned to "the US taxpayer" ...

Hmmm ... Usually when such a thing happens, 90% is given by the government IF and ONLY IF the bridge is on an INTERSTATE, because then it is a main EMERGENCY EXIT for the city, county, state, region, etc. .... that was why the late President Roosevelt had then constructed.

But the other 10% that was to be covered by the STATE so that they had some "skin in the game", so to speak ... 

Think of it as a car ...

When your parents buy you a car - hopefully it'll be a used car, because you are going to drive the crap out of it, take turns way too tight, rarely change the oil or filters, you might possibly remember to fill the windshield wipes, brake fluids are anything else ... if they're lucky..
You will feel the speed limit is a "recommendation" .... at least until your first speeding ticket.

But then you buy your OWN car... now things have changed.  It goes in for regular oil changes, you have them check ALL the fluids ... you take turns much more cautiously ... and that speed limit sign? It means so much more to you now.

THAT's why states are supposed to pay for PART of the bridge repair ... Minnesota did it when the 35W bridge went down ... I think its only right that Maryland has to do the same.

The clause of collecting any pay outs from the crash ... that's a pretty big IF ... its a "maybe" ... and generally, that SHOULD be the state's money - after all, they are the ones contracting out the work, they are the ones which maintain the bridge/road over time .... 

I'm not sure the extra 10% can be made so sound that not ANY president could break it ... I'm pretty sure the Interstate Charter will have a say in it.

But -- You keep trying CBS!!

You know America will always be here to laugh at you!

or hang our heads in SHAME

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