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Tuesday, July 16, 2024


I can not believe I'm about to type this = he wouldn't have been my choice - but I guess it kind of makes sense.

J.D. Vance

that just puts chills down my spine, and I don't know why ... he's the "freshman senator" from Ohio ... but other than not having a very long record in office, I just can't put my finger on it.

He is 39 years old ... he has 2 children with his wife.
He has a beard ...
And apparently, he grew up so poor in the Appalachian Mountains, being raised by his grandmother, that she had to negotiate (his word) with the Meals on Wheels drivers to get enough food to feed him.

But I just can't place my finger on it ....

It could be the fact that I was hoping for Tim Scott, but I don't think so ....
It could be that I'm not so sure that he was an "anti-Trump" guy ... but I don't think so.

I think it's the fact that he's "close friends" with Don Trump Jr.
I'm wondering how much of an impact this had on the choice ....
Let's hope there isn't something hiding in his closet someplace.

The world may never know.

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