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Wednesday, July 17, 2024


Okay - so here's the latest news ... and it's really scary.

3 hours before the shooting, the assassin was ALREADY being watched by the Secret Service & LEOs .... 

His parents had called the police to have them keep an eye out for him.
Yesterday, they said that he had asked his dad if he could borrow the rifle to go to the gun club.

It gets worse ....

They have him on video, wandering around with other people going into the rally ... but when he saw he was going to have to go though a scanner, he turned around and walked awaay.

A LEO took a photo of him and sent it to Secret Service ....

It sounds like the building where he shot from, was being used by LEOs as a "station" for the rally .... but they say, no it was another building near by.
Either way -LEOs had told Secret Service that they did NOT have enough people to watch that roof.

The Secret Service was INFORMED and WAR that there wa a POSSIBLE SHOOTER there ....


but they still let Trump go on that stage!

Holy Crap!

It is totally pass the buck time.

The Secret Service officers were NOT the ones to be blamed -- they simply took orders for whoever was in charge of the security of the rally.

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