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Sunday, July 14, 2024


It seems they have identified the shooter at the Trump rally lastt night - I'm not sure when this was first announced, but I just heard it ...

He was a MAN
He was 20 years old (Just a "baby")
He was a registered Republican

They said his name as well, but I didn't catch it ... I will have to update that later.

But as far as being registered as a Republican ....

I don't know how things work in the state where this guy lived (I wasnt to say that was Pennsylvania) .... but in Minnesota, they switched the law a while back, so that now in order to vote in any PRIMARY election, you must register a party ...
Before they changed the law, you did NOT have tosay anything about your political leanings - unless you were running for an office - and it was very unstressful, and actually, quite nice .... I hadn't missed voting in a Primary election, much less a regular election, after I graduated college ... until this was passed - now I REFUSE to declare.

Why?  Because in today's society - as we saw put into practice after the 2016 Presidental election - you CAN lose your JOB just becaue you belong to the WRONG party.

I'm wondering WHAT this guy experienced that made him take his rifle (according to MSNBC last night it was an "AR" type of rifle [eye roll]) ... take his rifle up on the roof at a building ... and shoot someone.

Doesn't even matter at this point that it was Trump ... just to shoot an unarmed person.
Someone who, obviously, presented no danger to his person ...

The most UNBELIEVABLE thing about this guy??

I think they said he had ONE social media acct. and even then, he didn't post hardly anything.

I have had 4 kids who were 20 yrs old at one point or another ... I don't feel old though, but then, I'm not moving ... and NONE of them would have been caught 3 foor away from their phones or a computer or something - they couldn't be that far from social media ... they might miss out on something.

It made me wonder - but just for a moment - if he was an Amish kid on Rutzegar .... I think that's what it's called, where they get to leave home and experience life with the "English".

We will have to see ...

Someone has to know something .... something, somewhere ... there has to be more.

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