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Saturday, July 13, 2024


So it seems everybody who is into politics, but is VERY politcal in their thinking - whether that be liberal or conservative - are putting the blame of this completely on the shoulders of the secret service.

I heard a report where one VP possibility seeming to question how long it took the Secret Service to get TO Mr. Trump .... and, yes, it did seem to take quite a while, but then - they don't usually appear on camera, especially at rally's such as this ...
Even though they are in Black suits - such that they stand out from the crowd - they really don't want their images out there ... 

A Democratic senator has put out a statement saying that it took the Secret Service to get Trump off the podium .... 
But there is some question as to whether they were waiting on his armored vehicle to come around or not ...
After all, they were, at the time, piled on TOP of Mr. Trump, shielding him for further shots ....

The question is -
Wasn't there any "chatter" about any up coming assassination attempt?

We will have to see what happens next ...

I'm going to guess ...
a Congressional Hearing.

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