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Thursday, July 18, 2024


This just goes from bad to worse ....

The Commissioner of Police in Bulter, PA says that they were told by Secret Service that they were only supposed to do traffic control, that's it.

He also said that there was a full 1/3 of the force working at the event.
Now I don't know how many officers Butler, PA has on their payroll ... but if they've only have 30 officers, then that would mean 10 were there.

Either way - that's clearly not enough.

AND he also said, and this one made me go "WHA--??" ... the guy was spotted an hour before hand wandering around with a range finder ...
I bought my son a range finder when he was younger - but it was because binoculars for him would have been rudundent (he only has one working eye ... different story, and his to tell) ... so there could have been a reason for it, is all I'm saying.

He went on to say - the guy walked away .... supposedly to retrieve his weapong which ... this is what triggered me ... 

Apparently, it has been determined that he HID the WEAPON there ...

Now that puts everything back up in the air again!
Besides adding MORE questions about the security detail!

We had been told that he had asked his father for the rifle THAT DAY to go to the shooting range at the Gun Club ...

But even if this were still true ...

Wouldn't you thinksomebody/some department would have done a sweep of all the area - the stand, the bleechers, the buildings both in and out of the immediate rally area.

Or what about . the building that they were using as a HEADQUARTERS/STAGING AREA for the local police?!?!?!

OMG - remember - they already KNEW about the death threats being issued by Iran, at this point.

An HOUR before, they knew there was someone acting suspicious - they had "eyes" on him ... they actually lost sight of him before the speech and STILL let Trump go on stage.


Tulle has fewer holes than this security parameter!

Are you telling me, that they don't take it serious unless it's the actual sitting President??

The guys on the roof (snipers) did their jobs - the ones around the stage, did their jobs - the ones driving the vehicle, did their jobs.

I want to know know WHO let him go on stage.
Who didn't do their job??

It doesn't even matter that it was Trump ... it could have been Mike Wazowski (Monsters , Inc.) .... you HAVE to put thier safety first!!!
Even if it means sitting on them!

A simple announcement over the speakers saying there was going to be a slight delay while they tried to local the shooter would have been better than having what happened happen.

But you know what they say ...

Hindsight is always 20/20.

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