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Thursday, July 18, 2024


Okay - so on The Faulkner Focus (FNC) today and Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) was on ... but the show opened with a clip of video at the Republican Convention.

And the head of the Secret Service (Chappell? I really don't know her name) ... was in a suite at the convention.

Blackburn and 3 other collegues, get in her face and start asking questions about the assassination attempt, and why they let Trump go on stage when they already knew there was a threat there.
Also, based on what one of the other guys had said (not BLackburn) there was a second person of concern there as well!!

Well, the Secret Service head wouldn't answer anything, kept saying she'd like to wait for a more "appropriate time and place"

Well - this went on for quite a while, almost 10 minutes.

So the Secret Service gal left ... they FOLLOWED .... so she ran when she got a chance, they RAN AFTER HER ... Ithey finally caught up to her and yelled at her some more.

I was actually feeling BAD for the Secret Service gal -- felt like she had gotten "ambushed" = which she did, btw = because I had a simular situation in 7th grade.

I was chased down by two girls (who wound up becoming my best friends, btw, weird) and they had me cornered in a building at the local college - I had no idea what to do.
They asked questions which I didn't feel like answering ... I felt overwhelmed ... I felt scared ... A college student came down the stairs, saw what was going on and WALKED AWAY doing nothing .... I felt so alone.

I can imagine this gal - although she knows how to defend herself - likely felt the same way.

BUT Blackburn came on the show ... she explained the BACKSTORY which explained a LOT about why they did what they did.

Don't get me wrong - I think EVERYONE (including the Secret Service gal) were WRONG in this situation.

It seems that JUST BEFORE this there was an online conference call between the Head of Secret Service and those who had questions (well, the congresspeople who had questions) ...

Blackburn and several others had their proverbial hands raised to ask questions ... when after about 10 minutes or so, the person who "manned the phone" said there wasn't anymore questions and just ended the call.

Well, the congressional people were not happy ... but when Blackburn called the Heads office, she was told the Head was out of town.
Blackburn asked where she was ...
She was told the Head was at the convention!

Where Blackburn and three others who were waiting to ask their questions were as well.

Well - she did some detective work and found out where the Head was at the convention ... and found her ....
In the SUITE ... full of people.

The people??


Not to the Republican party
Not to Donald Trump
To the Secret Service ...

Wait ... I thought they were paid by our TAXES?!

What the HELL????

Now I've got a LOT more questions!

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