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Thursday, July 11, 2024


Okay - I know I'm going to spell this name wrong - please forgive me ...

I was going to watch one of my usual new shows (which I haven't seen in almost a week because my DVR has been more full than I realized) - when I caught the tail end of America's Newsroom (FNC) ... and they had a report about the George Clooney Op-Ed ...

Now, while we all might have thought Clooney had organized the Biden fund raiser some 3-4 weeks ago ...

It turns out that no, some guy named Jeffery Katzenberg (I'm sure I spelled that wrong) is the one who actually organized it all ...
And he told Clooney NOT to write the Op-Ed ... 

Well, Clooney did it ANYWAYS!! 

Well - this has caused a LOT of celebrities to pull their backing of Biden as well .... all it takes is one to get the ball rolling, appearantly ...

Michael Douglas, the actor/director/producer has reportedly said he thinks it's okay that Clooney wrote the piece, and he agrees Biden should step aside.
Along with other celebs like:
    Rob Reiner (actor/director)
    Steven King (author)
    Mia Farrow (actress)
    Reed Hastings (Netflix Co-Founder)

Those are some pretty big names in Hollywood, too.

Even Steven Colbert has jumped on the Bash Biden bandwagon, by mocking Biden on his his show ... with a Dr. Suess styled rhyme ...
I thought about writing the rhyme here, but then got a tad worried about legal issues ...
So I pass.

Team Biden, however, think they can fix this with a bit of "plaster" ... 
I'm not quite so sure.

I still believe that the original plan was to get through the VP Debate, then have Biden drop out at the Convention, and puttin gsomeone else in his place - but I really hope its NOT Harris (omg - after the horrid job she has done ad VP, why would anyone want her as president??)

But the verdict in Hunter's trial threw a monkey wrench into the works -- you see, now Joe HAS TO stay in power in order to work out some sort of "pardon" (if possible) for Hunterto stay free ...

And I can kind of see that - as a parent, you want to do all you can to help your children ... guard them, protect them - but at a certain point .... hopefully, before they turn 50 years old ... you have to make them face the consequences for their actions.

I think it's time that Hunter stands on his own two feet, Joe & Jill.
I know it won't be easy to say, or do - but he has to learn.

But he is not a child any more - in fact he has children of his OWN now ... 
And if you don't allow him to be punished now, you will end up with all HIS KIDS expecting you to fix their messes as well.

Just saying ...

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