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Thursday, July 11, 2024


Now an TENTH Democratic House member has jumped on the "Get a New Candidate" bandwagon ...

Poor Joe!

Here are the ones SO FAR ...
    Hillary Scholton (Michigan)
    Angie Craig (Minnesota)
    Lloyd Doggett (Texas)    
    Raul Grualva (Arizona)
    Seth Moulton (Massachusetts)
    Mike Quigley (Illinios)
    Mikie Sherrill (New Jersey)
    Adam Smith (Washington)

You have no idea how hard it was to find out who all these people were ... whoo, I'm sweaty doing all that work - not really, Siri did all the heavy lifting, really.

Faulkner Focus also had a placard with this statement by an unnamed democrat, this statement was made to Axios:
"I told my comms team to have our statement ready to go next time he has a big f***-up, because you know there's going to amother one ... [If Biden's NATO press conference on today is a] "debacle ... you might see a whole new wave." House democrat, Axious
Whoo Doggie!!

Even the democrats in the Senate are starting to worry ... with one of them, Peter Welsch (D-Vermont), actually calling for Joe Biden to pull out of the race so someone else can try to win this race.

I think it's very interesting - if Trump was being called to give up the race when he was President, and he didn't do it right away -- you KNOW the democrats would have been all over his dupa for it!
Yet, the republican party is letting it flow all on it's own, for the most part.

I just think that's interesting.
I'm betting they are thinking that like the rain that hit Waterville, MN there's going to be a torrent which will errode away Joe's support.

But somehow - I have a feeling it's going to be more like the Mackinac Bridge - heavy winds blow all around it, but it is perfectly safe (in most conditions) to drive over ... husband wanted to drive over it when we took a family vacation to Michigan in 2001, but then changed his mind ... it goes on for about 5 miles without ANY way off, and we were in a RV.

Sherrod Brown (Ohio senator) says he is hearing constituents in his state are starting to have "major concerns" .... it sounded like he also said something about Biden dropping out, but it wasn't very clear.

There is also a concern over "undermining" the President with other World Leaders in town for that NATO meeting ....
Maybe Biden should ask them to stay for a while, huh?

Actually - this morning on Good Morning America, they had a poll which showed some 85% of people feel Biden is "too old" to run, and 60% said that Trump was "too old" as well ... you know that some of those people (25% or so) had to say BOTH were too old ...
I wonder who they would like to see run.

There is also some .... well .... I'll make that a different post.

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