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Thursday, July 11, 2024


Yeah, I know - dramatic - but this is really, really bad ...

Neither Barack Obama, nor Michelle Obama for that matter, can come right out and say anything about the election, and what their feelings are ...

They can, however, send in the Clowns ... i.e. former staff members .... to make such statements

And that's exactly what's happening ... Axelrod (former Obama advisor), Jon Favreau (former speechwriter for Obama), and David Plouff (2008 Campaign Manager) all spoke out after the debate, for the most part.

Plouff's comment was probably the worst though - he commented that Trump and Biden are only 3 years apart in age, but during the debate, they seemed as if they were 30 years apart ...
Now he wasn't trying to say that Trump came acrossed as being in his 50's - although he seems like a pretty smart guy - but that Biden seemed to be in his 100s with the way he was answering those questions.

WOW .... there's the belly shot!

Remember - ALL of these guys used to work for Obama ... they are likely sttill in touch with him ... and I could see them being asked to drop a few views on air - if they really felt that way about it - without actually bringing Obama's name into it.
But ... the fact that they are all associated with Obama, kind of ... brings his name in on it!

Poor Joe!

He worked with the guy for 4 years ... and he never figured it out. 
He never realized that he was only chosen to be VP to ensure that Obama wouldn't end up like Lincoln ...
he was like an "Insurance Policy" .... you see, NO ONE wanted Biden as President.

If he had ran in the 2016 election though, I think he would have won though.
But only because, like the 1988 election of G.W. Bush, people would have hoped the Obama gravy train was going to continue.

Wait ...
I heard a story someplace that it was OBAMA who told Biden NOT to run in that election ....
HMMMM ....
I'm seeing a bit of a pattern here .... 

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