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Sunday, July 21, 2024


sident Joe Biiden has finally realized that he should drop-0ut of the race!Now!

Now the question becomes - who's going to run?

This morning on Face the Nation (CBS) they showed a poll where:
41% Biden
53% Trum

42% Harris
52% Trump

That's a lot worse than the polls they took last week before Trump got shot ... at least then she beat Trump by a single point.

I've heard Newsom .... oh god no - California is screwed up so much - why the heck would we want that for the entire country?
Pelosi has been mentioned .... I think she has too much bagage with her husband 
I've also heard Hilary Clinton - but I'm pretty sure they won't pick her, she's too much of a war hawk .... she will certainly get us into WW3.

There's always Dean Phillips - who actually DID run for the Presidential office, but because he came in so late (I want to say he jumped in after Super Tueday) ... he's not too bad of a guy - he doesn't seem to be a huge spender ... but he is from Minnesota - and he does have a voting record they can look at.

Out of all the names I've heard so far ....

Phillips seems to be the best guy so far. 

The second quetion ... and the most IMPORTANT to any campaign ...

What happens to the DONATIONS already given to Joe Biden???
My understanding is that Harris, since she was also on the ticket, MUST be part of the new team in order to the money to just switch over ...

Otherwise .... I believe the DNC gets to keep all the money ....

Its a really good question!

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