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Monday, July 22, 2024

LANGUAGE!!!! (updated)

OMG - Nancy Mace (R-South Carolina) is acting like a Mean Girl ... no, more of a spoiled brat.

There is a Congressional Hearing House Oversight Committee Hearing going on of the Head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle ... the one who ran away from the Congresspeople who cornered her at the Convention last week (and I can see both sides of that situation).

BUT ... Nancy Mace kept saying a certain curse word which can be linked to potty trainging ... SHush IT ... and she used ot over and over.

She even got to the point where she said the Head was full of Sh** ....
The Committee Head finally told her to curtail the words ... to maintain decorum ... of course, he didn't say anything after the first 2 times she said it ....

Yeah - you saw that - I'm holding them all for fault on this one.

Now the gal (sorry didn't catch her last name) Melanie Stansbury (D-New Mexico) ... pointed out that they are all upset because someone got close enough to harm a former President.
She did go on to ask about the timeline of events.

And the Head of the SecService said she was still working on the timeline ... WHAT?
Melanie let that kind of slide by .... WHAT?
She laid out a timeline which used the original information which came out, not the newest info .... WHAT?

1)It's been over a week - she should have known the timeline of events known WITHIN 72 hours! Every newsroom seemed to have it, why they heck didn't she??
2)How could the congresswoman just let her slide on this??  It's either dishonest or it's neglectful - either way, she should NOT be allowed to hold this position!
3)Why wouldn't you double check the timeline you are going to use in your question, to be sure it has the newest information for the hearing -- unless .... that was the whole idea!

So - go online ... and watch this hearing ... 
I have a feeling, she will likely walk away still employeed ... still the head of the secret service ... but not totally unscathed

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