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Sunday, July 28, 2024


I don't feel like I can use the title of "Democracy 2024" as of yet, since he Democrats have not had their convention yet ....

BUT - Special Report (FNC) had some new poll numbers on Friday (26 July 2024) .... so I thought I'd post them ...

I will bold the higher of the two numbers (and it looks like these are polls ONLY of Trump vs. Harris)

49% Harris (+3% over Biden)
49% Trump

52% Harris 
46% Trump

49% Harris
49% Trump

49% Harris
50% Trump

Now she had already gotten Biden's endorsement ... and that of the two party leaders of the House and the Senate .... but she just couldn't get ABOVE Trump anywhere ...

Then it happened ....

FINALLY, the OBAMAs .... both Barack and Michelle ... came out and ENDORSED Hrrris ...

You'.  Have.  Got.  To.  Be.  Kidding.  Me!!!!

But, that bit of news - complete with broadcasting the AUDIO of the phone call ... _{yacking sound here} ... that's what suddenly seems to have pushed her up and over.

Don't get me wrong - if she were good at her current job I might be able to understand it ... but she isn't even that!

The news shows have all jumped onto the bandwagon .... even going so far as saying that "technically" Biden never said she was the Border Czar ....

But he DID, way back in 2021, after the then Border Czar decided to leave .... and Joe said she was getting the job ...

I will check YouTube to see if I can find the WHOLE quote of what Biden said ... what I've been seeing on news shows has been so clipped down - and they've got it tight! - if I can find it, I'll post it here.

Well these are the current numbers ... here's hoping ... let's hope she will be a GENUIME at her rallies as Trump is at his.

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