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Thursday, July 25, 2024


Okay - I have always lived by the motto "Consider The Source" .... well the main one I live by is "Such Is Life", meaning stuff happens, you may not like it, but "This Too Shall Pass" ...

Oh - getting way too cliche there ... LOL

So I'm watching Outnumb(ered (FNC) this afternoon - yeah running a bit behind trying to rearrange the kitchen cabinets, but that's a tangent ... when they started talking about what is on Kamala Harris' Agenda for the 2024 race ...

And I've gotta tell ya -- when we had 2 children, set up a home, had bills up the ying-yang .... most os these same things were being touted way back then ... and by the Democratic party, too!

And as ashamed as I am to say it -- it made me actually vote for .... Bill Clinton ... ugg ... I know, right?
I did not vote for him for a second term though - but that's a whole different story ...

Okay - back to Kamala ....

So what's on her Agenda .... according to Fox News Channel ...


Um ... yeah ... some of this sounds pretty good .... UNTIL you actually look into it.

Free Community college talk will only make the ComColleges to RAISE THEIR COSTS ...yet again! But they never seem to see a coordination between the 2 ....

It would be great if everyone could get healthcare - but (a)NOT tax-payer money forever and (b)not with the government in charge!

How many times have we seen a governmental program run smoothly??
NEVER ... even the CCC had issues ... 

Minnesota used to have a very good statewide insurance for people without insurance of their own, or had a gap between what their insurance covered and the cost of the medicines they had to be on ....
My mother used this back in the 1980s after she had her stroke ... it wa great.
She wasn't old enough to go on Medicare, dad earned too much according to the state, to get Medicaid ... so Minnesota Comprehensive stepped in .... it was great until she turned old enough to get Medicare.
Ma said that her monthly pills were less than $100/month ... even when she got on Medicare she said that costs dropped way down - sometimes by 90%!!!

But then Obamacare started, and Minnesota Comprehensive went out the window (my mother had already passed) .... 
And the new one is just horrid - they just now came to the point of saying $35/MAX per month for INSULIN .... you don't understand - this is NEEDED/NECESSARY if you have diabetes in order to LIVE!

But - this is something, according to the US CONSTITUTON, is a state issue .... not a Federal one!

What people in MN want, may not be what people in WI want, or in FL, nor in NM, nor in MA, nor in HI, nor in Alaska!!

Yeah - that's another issue I have with politicians - they seem to FORGET that whatever they do effects ALL the states, including those in Hawaii and Alaska ... and also our PROTECTORANTS .... Guam, US Virgin Islands, American Samoas, and Puerto Rico ...

But no one seems to pay any attention to what these places want until there is a primary or election coming up ....
But this time it seems as if they are just going to totally ignore them all!

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