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Monday, July 15, 2024


Oh what a round weekend this was for deaths ...

But ... Dr. Ruth!

Who never heard of her? NO ONE ... even my mother used to listen to her talk radio show ...

At first she did it simply because she was curious - then she listened because Dr. Ruth would often just piss her off to no end, those were funny days to watch/listen as my mother would get so angry that she'd actually turn the radio off.
But eventually, she'd turn it back on again ... get upset again, and off it would go ... again.

Then there was a point in which she just had Dr. Ruth on for "background noise" she said .... but apparently she was still actually listening, because from one of Dr. Ruth's shows she had learned some of the early signs of a stroke ...
And that show, likely, saved my mom's life.

Well, that show and my telling my mom to go to the hospital 30 times and then saying I was just going to give up then ... she said I was being cruel - but it hit home that she needed to actually go in.
And a good thing too.
It was a fairly major stroke (mostly because she wouldn't go in for a couple hours) that was quickly follwed several small heart attacks while she was in the hospital, and another small stroke.

Dr. Ruth - for all her curfluffle - likely saved my mom's life ... when mom was only 54 years old but taking weight-loss pills (Dexatrim) which attributed to the issue.

Thank you Dr. Ruth.

You gave me 20+ more years with my mother ... even if she did drive me crazy for a lot of that time.

I don't know if you were sent Up or Down ... but I think you'd probably have more fun going down.
I can just see you being Satan's Sex Therapist.

LOL - and if you went up .... maybe, you will finally get a good rest and just enjoy life.

She passed Saturday 12 July 2024 
In New York City, NY
At age 96 years young.

Did you know she only stood 4 foot 7inches??
And that she was a Holocaust survivor?
She lost both her parents to the Holocaust, and she was sent to Switzerland by the sounds of it ... and she never found any members of her family after that.

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