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Monday, July 15, 2024


Okay - it sounds like there's a LOT more information on what happened at the Trump rally on Saturdey 12 July 2024 ...
Mostly about the curcumstances surrounding the shooting.

I still cannot get a clear picture as to how far the shooter was to Mr. Trump. But it seems to have been narrowed down to between 1-2 football fields, or 100 - 200 yards.

So here's the latest story:

The parameter of the rally was "cleared" ... according to the feds, anything outside the rally area was up to local law enforcement to clear, not them.

It sounds as if one LEO (Law Enforcement Officer, usually local) was ON THE ROOF with the gunman ... but when the gunman pointed his rifle at the officer, the officer ran away.

I'm hoping that's speculation - otherwise, this guy is in a whole peck of trouble.

The shooter had just purchased 50 rounds of ammo only a couple hours before the shooting.

They found bomb making materials inside of his car, I assume they ran the plates/registration to determine it was in fact his car.
As well as more materials in his home.
All were shipped to Quantico. 

And it turns out - he had a DISCORD account.
Which makes sense ... a lot of people on YouTube have an account ... it was originally set up for gamers to be able to play and communicate with each other without all the crap that seens to happen on other choices.

But it sounds like Discord has disabled/taken down his account ... they released this statement:
"We have identifiied an account that which appears to be linked to the suspect, and we removed the account according to our off-platform behavior policy.  It was rarely utilized ... // ... has not been used in months, and we have found no evidence that it was used to plan this incident, promote violence, or discuss his political views."  Discord Spokesperson
Remember the "..." are there's, and the "//" simply indicates when the placard switched to the next one.

Oh - did I mention I'm getting this stuff from Outnumbered (FNC) today??
DVR is still awfully tight but it got uploaded today.

The FBI is still canvasing the blocks around his home gathering statements about what people knew or saw or heard ... plus, I'm sure, any little bits of gossip.

It also sounds like once the shots rang out, and they found him, it was about 3 seconds for the Secret Service snipers to take him out.

I will keep watching and let you know any updates.

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